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Pack 1721 and Crew 21 Charter
Presbyterian Church of Woodbury
BSA Scout Troop 7151 B & G
Welcome to the Premier Scouting Family of Gloucester County.
We offer multiple options for all ages and interests in our Scouting family that suits every age group, grade, and interest!
Cub Scout Pack 1721 members are in Kindergarten (5 y.o) thru 5th grade (10 y.o)
Our Cubs meet in weekly Den meetings participating in Scouting adventures that teach lessons that last a lifetime.
Troop 7151 Boys and Girls members are in 6th grade (11 y.o) thru 12th Grade (18 y.o)
Our Scout Troop has individual units for both young men and young women. Our Troop Scouts meet weekly at the Presbyterian Church of Woodbury every Thursday from 7 to 830pm. These Scouts are all about Community Service and fun. Not only have the Scouts hiked the Appalachian Trail and camped at unique and cool locations, but they also believe in the value of community service thru volunteering to support our local communities, Veterans organizations, and First Responders with over 3000 community service hours per year!
Crew 21 co-ed members who are 14 years old thru 21 years old.
Our Crew members plan and complete complex and high adventure type outings. They have done everything from navigating white water rapids to cave exploration and have attended the Venture fest Jamboree. This group of Scouts has traveled both nationally and internationally experiencing the different cultures in our nation as well as in other countries!
All four units are year-round programs that share a common goal: to provide our youth with the opportunity to have fun, learn, and grow thru community service opportunities. Our programs offer awesome opportunities to participate in local outings, field trips, camping trips, fishing, parades, hiking trips, local community service opportunities, service opportunities supporting our Veterans and First Responder organizations, and exciting adventures which will create lasting memories for your family.
We hope you will join our Scouting family and experience these fun activities and adventures!